Yet another school year has gone by so quickly, with so many accomplishments. Our 8th graders, having finished their poster for recycling at school, embraced a little story of a lama, whose name is Paco, and his sister, going on a trip to Argentina (or Chile!) They did a fabulous job at narrating in the new acquired past tense, and putting together a great puppet show: here's some fotos of the preparations for the show!
There's an oso perezoso as well! |
The sloth was replaced by a vaca in this play... |
Meanwhile, the 7th graders were busy with their own production of Alonso y Elena van en bicicleta, for which they wrote their own script, sprinkled with connector words, made the props and puppets, and delivered performances maravillosas, did your student share his/her performance with you? Here's a little taste: