Monday, December 22, 2014

¡Felices fiestas!

¡Hola familias, felices fiestas!

In Spanish class we have talked about how Christmas and the New Year is celebrated in Spain. You may watch the video below to get a sense of the Spanish traditions during the holiday season:

Ask may ask your student how Santa is called in Spanish, or who else brings regalos to the children on January 6th. What other traditions were discussed? How do people celebrate the New Year?  These logs are from Catalunya, a Northern region in Spain, would you like to borrow this tradition for your family?

Best wishes for a 2015, familias! ¡Feliz Año!

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Estudiamos Perú

¡Hola familias de séptimo!

After a busy unit studying clothing and Guatemala, the Spanish class is "travelling" to Perú! Ask your student about what they remember of Perú: who used to live there? What is a famous city in Perú? How about the regions, how many are there? What food do they have that is different from ours? Below is a video of a very famous Peruvian dish... Guess the name! Adivina...

Estudiamos Argentina

¡Hola familias!

8th graders are learning about Argentina in our next unit. Has your family visited Argentina?  Bring a picture to class! Here is a video of one of the most famous glaciares in Argentina, el Perito Moreno,  and two of the most famous jugadores de tenis during their visit. Ask your Spanish student whether they can guess where the glaciar is located?  What can they tell you about this region?  How about the video itself? What words does your student already know about sports, our previous unit?
More to come soon...

¡Hasta pronto!