Wednesday, January 29, 2014

1st Grade Noticias: El Tiempo

Hola, familias

In first grade we worked really hard to make a weather wheel that we want to share with you. It works with a special song that we sing as you spin the wheel: ¿Qué tiempo hace hoy? ¿Hace hoy? ¿Y no hace hoy? Ask your little student about it!

Next on our plate: La Familia, here's a preview:

Friday, January 24, 2014

Asignaturas favoritas

¡Hola familias!

Our 3rd grade students have been busy learning the school subjects. Can they recall any? We made flashcards to help ourselves study some more and we have been playing some silly games with them, like go fish! or campeón! Here is one of the videos we watched in class:

5th grade La ropa

¡Hola familias!

In 5th grade we have just finished studying clothing - la ropa- and what we need to pack in a suitcase. See the video below to review some of the clothing items we have learnt. Can your student recall any of them? What do you need - necesitas- si hace sol? ¿Y si llueve? ¿Y si nieva?

6th Grade News

¡Hola familias!

We have been studying the personal pronouns and conjugating! These are all new concepts for some of the students, and they have been doing a great job at it. Here is a little video with the pronouns:

Also, your students can test their conjugation abilities below:

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Feliz 2014

¡Feliz año 2014!

In the link below, you can peek at some of the holidays traditions we celebrate in Spain. Some of these we have explored with the students. Bonus: yummy recipes!

Who are these guys?! I bet your children know...Hint: they are very wise and bring presents on January 6th if your shoes are by the window...